Soy Parentage and Pedigrees

The soybean parentage information below was partially gleaned from the Uniform Soybean Tests for the Southern and Northern regions as well as other sources such as USDA technical bulletins, variety registrations and PVP applications. The strains that appear here were part of the uniform trials and not the preliminary trials. The pedigree of individual strains was followed back to named strains in both maternal and paternal lineages where possible. An unknown parent is indicated with "-". When available, PVP registration numbers are noted, as are synonyms for the strains - including the PI number for lines deposited at GRIN. Check for additional information about PI lines at the GRIN search page.

Strain names are prefixed with a code that identifies the program that produced them. The code is usually the first two letters in the strain name followed by the year it was released as a two digit number. See code prefixes and descriptions here.

Pedigrees are represented in column 4. To give an example: CS31 has parents S10 (maternal) and Mitchell (paternal). The pedigree string ( S10 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) can be read as: CS31 is progeny of S10 and Mitchell; and Mitchell is progeny of Amsoy and Wayne.

The information below is also available for download - for example, if you wish to filter on pedigrees that contain an accession of interest.
We welcome submissions by the community of new or updated pedigree information. Please use this data submission spreadsheet.

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Individual Female Parent Male Parent Pedigree Synonyms Notes
Y186402 1190-19 Asgrow_A3127 ( 1190-19 ( Mack , Forrest ) , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) - -
Y2011Z2 1190-02 J74-45 ( 1190-02 ( Mack , Forrest ) , J74-45 ) - -
Y277402 1100-07 1190-19 ( 1100-07 ( Forrest , Tracy ) , 1190-19 ( Mack , Forrest ) ) - -
Y4667-09 Pioneer_P4280 Fayette ( Pioneer_P4280 ( Williams , Woodworth ) , Fayette ) - -
YB007D03 Pioneer_P90A07 R02322 ( Pioneer_P90A07 , R02322 ( Pioneer_P90B43 , 12223R006 ( Pioneer_P9007 , 90733 ( Pioneer_P9172 , 90676 ( ST2250 , G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ) ) - -
YB009A99 J009 W10381-022 ( J009 , W10381-022 ( Pioneer_P9091 , Asgrow_A2234 ) ) - -
YB01D05 Pioneer_P9008 XB16H ( Pioneer_P9008 , XB16H ( Syngenta_S19-90 , MO30732-51 ) ) - -
YB07M04 Syngenta_S03-W4 D89003 ( Syngenta_S03-W4 , D89003 ( ST0470 , Pioneer_P90B73 ) ) - -
YB08K04 Pioneer_P9071 Pioneer_P91B52 ( Pioneer_P9071 , Pioneer_P91B52 ) - -
YB08N05 XB20L00 Pioneer_P91B33 ( XB20L00 ( W30271R014 ( Pioneer_P9241 ( 0624-32 , Pioneer_P2981 ) , Resnik ) , Pioneer_P9234 ) , Pioneer_P91B33 ) - -
YB09P05 Syngenta_S10-F2 Pioneer_P91B92 ( Syngenta_S10-F2 ( Exp_91133 , Exp_C319428 ( McCall , S19-90 ) ) , Pioneer_P91B92 ) - -
YB09Q05 Syngenta_S10-F2 XB25P99 ( Syngenta_S10-F2 ( Exp_91133 , Exp_C319428 ( McCall , S19-90 ) ) , XB25P99 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , 91013F2 ( W30132-004 , 90753 ( ST2250 , 90682 ( Pioneer_P9342 , G40-3P9341 ) ) ) ) ) - -
YB12M06 Pioneer_P91B53 R03210RE ( Pioneer_P91B53 , R03210RE ( 21030R017 ( ST1590 , ST2250 ) , R02416 ( Pioneer_P9091 , Pioneer_P91B02 ) ) ) - -
YB14D W30047R012 YB23E ( W30047R012 ( Pioneer_P9161 , Pioneer_P9111 ) , YB23E ( Archer , Pioneer_P9273 ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) ) - -
YB15K99 MO1718 Pioneer_P9204 ( MO1718 , Pioneer_P9204 ) - -
YB17K99 ST1590 ST2250 ( ST1590 , ST2250 ) - -
YB18H Pioneer_P9172 90676 ( Pioneer_P9172 , 90676 ( ST2250 , G40-3P9392 ) ) - -
YB18J00 Pioneer_P9362 MO21584 ( Pioneer_P9362 , MO21584 ) - -
YB20G05 Pioneer_P9182 45233R043 ( Pioneer_P9182 , 45233R043 ( Asgrow_A1900 , 21069 ( MO92117-18 , 90682E ( Pioneer_P9342 , G40-3P9341 ) ) ) ) - -
YB20S02 CX173 90736-085 ( CX173 , 90736-085 ( Pioneer_P9244 , 90676 ( ST2250 , G40-3P9392 ) ) ) - -
YB21D06 YB22S00 Pioneer_P92B13 ( YB22S00 ( CX232 , ST1570 ) , Pioneer_P92B13 ) - -
YB21F01 Pioneer_P9182 Pioneer_P9254 ( Pioneer_P9182 , Pioneer_P9254 ) - -
YB21G01 XB22D Pioneer_P92B52 ( XB22D ( Pioneer_P9273 ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ( Williams , Essex ) ( Williams , Essex ) ) , 30388 ( Pioneer_P9303 , 30310 ( Pioneer_P9303 , 30294 ( Pioneer_P9303 , 30199 ( Pioneer_P9303 , 30124 ( Pioneer_P9303 , 30094 ( 5961 ( Asgrow_A3733 ( Elf , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ( Elf , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ( Williams , Essex ) ) , Resnik ) , Asgrow_A3733 ( Elf , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ( Elf , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) , Pioneer_P92B52 ) - -
YB22N MO01718 Pioneer_P9171 ( MO01718 ( MO50321 ( MO01010 ( Harcor , CM183 ) ( Harcor , CM183 ) , A8 ) , MO50226 ( ST3010 , MO01010 ( Harcor , CM183 ) ) ) , Pioneer_P9171 ( Pioneer_P9271 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) - -
YB22R06 Pioneer_P92B12 Pioneer_P92B38 ( Pioneer_P92B12 , Pioneer_P92B38 ) - -
YB22S00 CX232 ST1570 ( CX232 , ST1570 ) - -
YB22T00 Pioneer_P9362 MO21584 ( Pioneer_P9362 , MO21584 ) - -
YB23E Archer Pioneer_P9273 ( Archer , Pioneer_P9273 ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) - -
YB23M Pioneer_P9362 MO21584 ( Pioneer_P9362 , MO21584 ) - -
YB24X06 Ina K10467 ( Ina ( Jack , Hartwig ) , K10467 ( XB16H ( Syngenta_S19-90 , MO30732-51 ) ( Syngenta_S19-90 , MO30732-51 ) ( Syngenta_S19-90 , MO30732-51 ) , K10292 ( XB16H ( Syngenta_S19-90 , MO30732-51 ) ( Syngenta_S19-90 , MO30732-51 ) , K10147 ( XB16H ( Syngenta_S19-90 , MO30732-51 ) , Pioneer_P91B52 ) ) ) ) - -
YB26V01 Pioneer_P9281 XB31Q ( Pioneer_P9281 , XB31Q ( ST2660 , 21710 ( Asgrow_A3237 , 21097 ( Asgrow_A3237 , 21063 ( Asgrow_A3237 , 90683C ( Pioneer_P9362 , G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ) ) ) - -
YB26Y06 XB23W03 Pioneer_P92M91 ( XB23W03 ( Pioneer_P92B63 , C04065 ( Pioneer_P92B63 , XB36L ( Pioneer_P9362 , 90683 ( Pioneer_P9362 , G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ) , Pioneer_P92M91 ) - -
YB27F Pioneer_P9281 90675 ( Pioneer_P9281 , 90675 ( Pioneer_P9281 , G40-3P9273 ) ) - -
YB27Z06 Pioneer_P93B66 YB22T00 ( Pioneer_P93B66 , YB22T00 ( Pioneer_P9362 , MO21584 ) ) - -
YB28C99 Pioneer_P9322 21052 ( Pioneer_P9322 , 21052 ( ST2250 , 90676A ( ST2250 , G40-3P9392 ) ) ) - -
YB28E09 XB23W03 Pioneer_P92M91 ( XB23W03 ( Pioneer_P92B63 , C04065 ( Pioneer_P92B63 , XB36L ( Pioneer_P9362 , 90683 ( Pioneer_P9362 , G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ) , Pioneer_P92M91 ) - -
YB29S ST2250 21028 ( ST2250 , 21028 ( Pioneer_P9392 ( Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) , Gnome ) , Pioneer_P9321 ) ) - -
YB30A05 ST2870 ST3380 ( ST2870 , ST3380 ) - -
YB30G05 Pioneer_P93B15 Pioneer_P93B09 ( Pioneer_P93B15 , Pioneer_P93B09 ) - -
YB30K06 Pioneer_P93B86 YB22T00 ( Pioneer_P93B86 , YB22T00 ( Pioneer_P9362 , MO21584 ) ) - -
YB31C04 Pioneer_P93B15 Pioneer_P93B68 ( Pioneer_P93B15 , Pioneer_P93B68 ) - -
YB31J06 Pioneer_P93B87 Pioneer_P93B09 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B09 ) - -
YB32E00 Asgrow_A4138 MO15733 ( Asgrow_A4138 , MO15733 ) - -
YB32E06 Pioneer_P93Y70 Pioneer_P92M91 ( Pioneer_P93Y70 , Pioneer_P92M91 ) - -
YB32J01 Pioneer_P93B82 N00376 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , N00376 ( MO02301-99 , Pioneer_P9344 ) ) - -
YB32K01 Pioneer_P93B82 P00115 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , P00115 ( ST3630 , Pioneer_P9314 ) ) - -
YB32X Pioneer_P9281 21097 ( Pioneer_P9281 , 21097 ( Asgrow_A3237 , 21063 ( Asgrow_A3237 , 90683C ( Pioneer_P9362 , G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ) - -
YB34R03 Pioneer_P93B82 N03287 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , N03287 ( Pioneer_P92B61 , YB32X ( Pioneer_P9281 , 21097 ( Asgrow_A3237 , 21063 ( Asgrow_A3237 , 90683C ( Pioneer_P9362 , G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ) ) ) - -
YB34Y99 Pioneer_P93B82 45282 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , 45282 ( 3660 , 21726 ( Asgrow_A2396 ( CM214 , Asgrow_A2943 ( Asgrow_A1564 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) ( CM214 , Asgrow_A2943 ( Asgrow_A1564 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ( Asgrow_A1564 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) , 21132 ( Asgrow_A2396 ( CM214 , Asgrow_A2943 ( Asgrow_A1564 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) , 21082 ( Pioneer_P9381 , 90685A ( Pioneer_P9381 , G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ) ) ) - -
YB35N04 N02783 N02992 ( N02783 ( YB38 , General ) , N02992 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P93B53 ) ) - -
YB35R05 Pioneer_P93B87 Pioneer_P93B68 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B68 ) - -
YB36V00 Pioneer_P9362 Pioneer_P93B82 ( Pioneer_P9362 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) - -
YB36X00 Pioneer_P9352 32870F2 ( Pioneer_P9352 , 32870F2 ( Pioneer_P9352 , 21111 ( Pioneer_P9362 , 21080 ( Pioneer_P9362 , 90682C ( Pioneer_P9342 , G40-3P9341 ) ) ) ) ) - -
YB37F02 XB35D XB31Q ( XB35D ( Pioneer_P9352 , 32745 ( Pioneer_P9352 , 32127 ( Pioneer_P9352 , 31910 ( 31438 ( Pioneer_P9254 , Pioneer_P9281 ) , Pioneer_P9254 ) ) ) ) , XB31Q ( ST2660 , 21710 ( Asgrow_A3237 , 21097 ( Asgrow_A3237 , 21063 ( Asgrow_A3237 , 90683C ( Pioneer_P9362 , G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ) ) ) - -
YB37Y00 Pioneer_P93B65 S02339 ( Pioneer_P93B65 , S02339 ( Pioneer_P93B65 , S01555 ( Pioneer_P93B65 , 90731S043 ( Pioneer_P9204 , 90675 ( Pioneer_P9281 , G40-3P9273 ) ) ) ) ) - -
YB38B08 Pioneer_P93M42 Pioneer_P93M50 ( Pioneer_P93M42 , Pioneer_P93M50 ) - -
YB38F03 ST3883 21710N120 ( ST3883 , 21710N120 ( Asgrow_A3237 , 21097 ( Asgrow_A3237 , 21063 ( Asgrow_A3237 , 90683C ( Pioneer_P9362 , G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ) ) - -
YB38K Pioneer_P9273 30107 ( Pioneer_P9273 ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ( Williams , Essex ) ( Williams , Essex ) ) , 30107 ( XB33B ( CM304BR , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ( Williams , Essex ) ) , 5961 ( Asgrow_A3733 ( Elf , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) , Resnik ) ) ) - -
YB38Q05 Pioneer_P93B87 Pioneer_P93B82 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) - -
YB39X03 22302S025 XB43J ( 22302S025 ( ST2660 , Syngenta_S30-06 ) , XB43J ( Pioneer_P9362 , 90755 ( Pioneer_P9362 , 90683 ( Pioneer_P9362 , G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ) - -
YB42D XB43B W6471M010 ( XB43B ( Pioneer_P9391 , Asgrow_A3733 ( Elf , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) , W6471M010 ( 6347 ( Cartter , Asgrow_A3307 ) , 6363 ( Cartter , Pioneer_P9272 ) ) ) - -
YB42G Pioneer_P9362 ST3660 ( Pioneer_P9362 , ST3660 ) - -
YB42V04 Pioneer_P93B72 Pioneer_P94B45 ( Pioneer_P93B72 , Pioneer_P94B45 ) - -
YB43U05 ST3480 YB23M ( ST3480 , YB23M ( Pioneer_P9362 , MO21584 ) ) - -
YB44F06 Pioneer_P93B86 Pioneer_P94M70 ( Pioneer_P93B86 , Pioneer_P94M70 ) - -
YB46K Pioneer_P9362 Pioneer_P9444 ( Pioneer_P9362 , Pioneer_P9444 ) - -
YB48M01 XB48B Asgrow_A3431 ( XB48B ( Y4667-09 ( Pioneer_P4280 ( Williams , Woodworth ) , Fayette ) , Asgrow_A4715 ) , Asgrow_A3431 ) - -
YB48U05 XB46L99 H02173 ( XB46L99 ( CX469c , Pioneer_P9451 ) , H02173 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P94B45 ) ) - -
YB52H W4850-011 Pioneer_P9521 ( W4850-011 ( J81-116 , Y186402 ( 1190-19 ( Mack , Forrest ) , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) , Pioneer_P9521 ( Pioneer_P9531 , Pioneer_P9561 ( Mack , Forrest ) ) ) - -
YB52J00 Wicomico Pioneer_P95B32 ( Wicomico , Pioneer_P95B32 ) - -
YB53Q06 YB54H00 G00167G017 ( YB54H00 ( Asgrow_A5979 , KS5292 ) , G00167G017 ( Wicomico , Pioneer_P95B32 ) ) - -
YB54D Asgrow_A5979 90773 ( Asgrow_A5979 , 90773 ( Pioneer_P9584 , 90688 ( Asgrow_A4715 , G40-3P9392 ) ) ) - -
YB54H00 Asgrow_A5979 KS5292 ( Asgrow_A5979 , KS5292 ) - -
YB54M02 Pioneer_P95B33 YB54D ( Pioneer_P95B33 , YB54D ( Asgrow_A5979 , 90773 ( Pioneer_P9584 , 90688 ( Asgrow_A4715 , G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ) - -
YB54N02 Pioneer_P95B33 Pioneer_P95B53 ( Pioneer_P95B33 , Pioneer_P95B53 ) - -
YB55H00 Pioneer_P9594 S6423 ( Pioneer_P9594 , S6423 ) - -
YB56G03 Pioneer_P9594 71495 ( Pioneer_P9594 , 71495 ( Pioneer_P9594 , 70887 ( Hutcheson , 90773 ( Pioneer_P9584 , 90688 ( Asgrow_A4715 , G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ) ) - -
YB57G Pioneer_P9584 90688 ( Pioneer_P9584 , 90688 ( Asgrow_A4715 , G40-3P9392 ) ) - -
YB57H 8377-16 W8238-02 ( 8377-16 ( Pioneer_P9582 , W2707-23 ( Y2011Z2 ( 1190-02 ( Mack , Forrest ) , J74-45 ) , Epps ) ) , W8238-02 ( Pioneer_P9591 , Y277402 ( 1100-07 ( Forrest , Tracy ) , 1190-19 ( Mack , Forrest ) ) ) ) - -
YB58G Pioneer_P9592 Asgrow_A5979 ( Pioneer_P9592 , Asgrow_A5979 ) - -
YB58L04 YB57H Pioneer_P96B21 ( YB57H ( 8377-16 ( Pioneer_P9582 , W2707-23 ( Y2011Z2 ( 1190-02 ( Mack , Forrest ) , J74-45 ) , Epps ) ) , W8238-02 ( Pioneer_P9591 , Y277402 ( 1100-07 ( Forrest , Tracy ) , 1190-19 ( Mack , Forrest ) ) ) ) , Pioneer_P96B21 ) - -
YB82D05 DM339 XB67A00 ( DM339 , XB67A00 ( W8566-005 , YB57G ( Pioneer_P9584 , 90688 ( Asgrow_A4715 , G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ) - -
YB83L06 FTH2893 XB67A00 ( FTH2893 , XB67A00 ( W8566-005 , YB57G ( Pioneer_P9584 , 90688 ( Asgrow_A4715 , G40-3P9392 ) ) ) ) - -
YR34C09 YB30K06 SP11513497 ( YB30K06 ( Pioneer_P93B86 , YB22T00 ( Pioneer_P9362 , MO21584 ) ) , SP11513497 ( Pioneer_P93M20 , JH10032580 ( Pioneer_P92M91 , JH8069431 ( Pioneer_P92B38 , JH7380284 ( Pioneer_P92B38 , JH6676568 ( Pioneer_P92B38 , JX5789894 ) ) ) ) ) ) - -
Yellow_Gatan Gatan - ( Gatan ( Otootan ( PI_548479 , - ) , - ) , - ) - Selection from Gatan
Yelnanda Nanda Yelredo ( Nanda ( PI_95727 , - ) , Yelredo ( Mammoth_Yellow , Laredo ) ) PI 548698 May also be Coker 433?
Yelnanda_52-135 Nanda Yelredo ( Nanda ( PI_95727 , - ) , Yelredo ( Mammoth_Yellow , Laredo ) ) - -
Yelnanda_53-116 Nanda Yelredo ( Nanda ( PI_95727 , - ) , Yelredo ( Mammoth_Yellow , Laredo ) ) - -
Yelredo Mammoth_Yellow Laredo ( Mammoth_Yellow , Laredo ) PI 548497 May also be Coker 319?
YoungBC4LX Young - ( Young , - ) - Unspecified parent in backcross