Soy Parentage and Pedigrees

The soybean parentage information below was partially gleaned from the Uniform Soybean Tests for the Southern and Northern regions as well as other sources such as USDA technical bulletins, variety registrations and PVP applications. The strains that appear here were part of the uniform trials and not the preliminary trials. The pedigree of individual strains was followed back to named strains in both maternal and paternal lineages where possible. An unknown parent is indicated with "-". When available, PVP registration numbers are noted, as are synonyms for the strains - including the PI number for lines deposited at GRIN. Check for additional information about PI lines at the GRIN search page.

Strain names are prefixed with a code that identifies the program that produced them. The code is usually the first two letters in the strain name followed by the year it was released as a two digit number. See code prefixes and descriptions here.

Pedigrees are represented in column 4. To give an example: CS31 has parents S10 (maternal) and Mitchell (paternal). The pedigree string ( S10 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) can be read as: CS31 is progeny of S10 and Mitchell; and Mitchell is progeny of Amsoy and Wayne.

The information below is also available for download - for example, if you wish to filter on pedigrees that contain an accession of interest.
We welcome submissions by the community of new or updated pedigree information. Please use this data submission spreadsheet.

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Individual Female Parent Male Parent Pedigree Synonyms Notes
J-112 Wells Williams ( Wells , Williams ) PI 556632 The Lubrizol Corporation, PVP 8100092
J00-1 Manokin Fowler ( Manokin , Fowler ) - -
J00-2 Manokin Fowler ( Manokin , Fowler ) - -
J22 L37-1355 Arksoy_2913 ( L37-1355 ( PI_81041 , - ) , Arksoy_2913 ( Arksoy ( PI_35335 , - ) , - ) ) - ?? Questionable
J420649 91608 Pioneer_P9273 ( 91608 , Pioneer_P9273 ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) - -
J558002 Pioneer_P9362 Syngenta_S29-11 ( Pioneer_P9362 , Syngenta_S29-11 ) - -
J634773 MP02052-11 Asgrow_A3431 ( MP02052-11 ( CM293 , Syngenta_S24-92 ) , Asgrow_A3431 ) - -
J74-116 Centennial J74-47 ( Centennial , J74-47 ) - -
J74-90 D68-18 PI_88788 ( D68-18 ( Dyer , Bragg ) , PI_88788 ) - Developed by E.E. Hartwig
J77-255 D74-7631 F74-57 ( D74-7631 ( Forrest , D70-3001 ( D64-4636 ( Hill , D58-3311 ) , Pickett_71 ) ) , F74-57 ) - -
J80-293 J74-39 Centennial ( J74-39 , Centennial ) - -
JA42 Kogane-Jiro - ( Kogane-Jiro , - ) - Japanese, probably PI 317335
JA53-7-6 PI_358323 - ( PI_358323 , - ) - Selection from PI 358323
JH10032580 Pioneer_P92M91 JH8069431 ( Pioneer_P92M91 , JH8069431 ( Pioneer_P92B38 , JH7380284 ( Pioneer_P92B38 , JH6676568 ( Pioneer_P92B38 , JX5789894 ) ) ) ) - -
JH10032629 XB29K04 JH8069435 ( XB29K04 ( 45217N901 ( S2911 , 21066 ( MO12557 , 90688A ( Asgrow_A4715 , G40-3P9392 ) ) ) , XB25P99 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , 91013F2 ( W30132-004 , 90753 ( ST2250 , 90682 ( Pioneer_P9342 , G40-3P9341 ) ) ) ) ) , JH8069435 ( Pioneer_P92B38 , JH7380284 ( Pioneer_P92B38 , JH6676568 ( Pioneer_P92B38 , JX5789894 ) ) ) ) - -
JH10955518 JH9638246 YB38Q05 ( JH9638246 , YB38Q05 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ) - -
JH10955520 JH9638246 XB22G06 ( JH9638246 , XB22G06 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) ) - -
JH10955521 JH9638246 ZB27U04 ( JH9638246 , ZB27U04 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) ) - -
JH11944941 XB22G06 JH10955520 ( XB22G06 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) , JH10955520 ( JH9638246 , XB22G06 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) ) ) - -
JH11944958 YB38Q05 JH10955518 ( YB38Q05 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) , JH10955518 ( JH9638246 , YB38Q05 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ) ) - -
JH11944981 ZB27U04 JH10955521 ( ZB27U04 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) , JH10955521 ( JH9638246 , ZB27U04 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) ) ) - -
JH12376999 YB38Q05 JH11944958 ( YB38Q05 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) , JH11944958 ( YB38Q05 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) , JH10955518 ( JH9638246 , YB38Q05 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ) ) ) - -
JH12377007 ZB27U04 JH11944981 ( ZB27U04 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) , JH11944981 ( ZB27U04 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) , JH10955521 ( JH9638246 , ZB27U04 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) ) ) ) - -
JH12377267 Pioneer_P90M60 JH11944941 ( Pioneer_P90M60 , JH11944941 ( XB22G06 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) , JH10955520 ( JH9638246 , XB22G06 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) ) ) ) - -
JH12377292 Pioneer_P91B42 JH11944941 ( Pioneer_P91B42 , JH11944941 ( XB22G06 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) , JH10955520 ( JH9638246 , XB22G06 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) ) ) ) - -
JH13336927 ZB37P05 JH12376999 ( ZB37P05 ( Pioneer_P93B86 , XB39U99 ( Asgrow_A4138 , 40305-117 ( Pioneer_P9312 , Pioneer_P9392 ( Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) , Gnome ) ) ) ) , JH12376999 ( YB38Q05 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) , JH11944958 ( YB38Q05 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) , JH10955518 ( JH9638246 , YB38Q05 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ) ) ) ) - -
JH13337911 Pioneer_P90M60 JH12377267 ( Pioneer_P90M60 , JH12377267 ( Pioneer_P90M60 , JH11944941 ( XB22G06 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) , JH10955520 ( JH9638246 , XB22G06 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) ) ) ) ) - -
JH13337915 Pioneer_P91B42 JH12377292 ( Pioneer_P91B42 , JH12377292 ( Pioneer_P91B42 , JH11944941 ( XB22G06 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) , JH10955520 ( JH9638246 , XB22G06 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) ) ) ) ) - -
JH13884372 ZB27U04 JH12377007 ( ZB27U04 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) , JH12377007 ( ZB27U04 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) , JH11944981 ( ZB27U04 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) , JH10955521 ( JH9638246 , ZB27U04 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P92B61 ) ) ) ) ) - -
JH13885038 Pioneer_P91B42 JH13337911 ( Pioneer_P91B42 , JH13337911 ( Pioneer_P90M60 , JH12377267 ( Pioneer_P90M60 , JH11944941 ( XB22G06 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) , JH10955520 ( JH9638246 , XB22G06 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) ) ) ) ) ) - -
JH13885045 Pioneer_P91M51 JH13337915 ( Pioneer_P91M51 , JH13337915 ( Pioneer_P91B42 , JH12377292 ( Pioneer_P91B42 , JH11944941 ( XB22G06 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) , JH10955520 ( JH9638246 , XB22G06 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) ) ) ) ) ) - -
JH13895102 Pioneer_P93M61 JH13336927 ( Pioneer_P93M61 , JH13336927 ( ZB37P05 ( Pioneer_P93B86 , XB39U99 ( Asgrow_A4138 , 40305-117 ( Pioneer_P9312 , Pioneer_P9392 ( Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) , Gnome ) ) ) ) , JH12376999 ( YB38Q05 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) , JH11944958 ( YB38Q05 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) , JH10955518 ( JH9638246 , YB38Q05 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ) ) ) ) ) - -
JH14820720 Pioneer_P93M42 JH13895102 ( Pioneer_P93M42 , JH13895102 ( Pioneer_P93M61 , JH13336927 ( ZB37P05 ( Pioneer_P93B86 , XB39U99 ( Asgrow_A4138 , 40305-117 ( Pioneer_P9312 , Pioneer_P9392 ( Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) , Gnome ) ) ) ) , JH12376999 ( YB38Q05 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) , JH11944958 ( YB38Q05 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) , JH10955518 ( JH9638246 , YB38Q05 ( Pioneer_P93B87 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) - -
JH14820789 Pioneer_P91B42 JH13885045 ( Pioneer_P91B42 , JH13885045 ( Pioneer_P91M51 , JH13337915 ( Pioneer_P91B42 , JH12377292 ( Pioneer_P91B42 , JH11944941 ( XB22G06 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) , JH10955520 ( JH9638246 , XB22G06 ( Pioneer_P93B82 , Pioneer_P91B53 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) - -
JH4267591 YB36V00 HL3356756 ( YB36V00 ( Pioneer_P9362 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ( Pioneer_P9362 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) , HL3356756 ( YB36V00 ( Pioneer_P9362 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) , Pioneer_P93B67 ) ) - -
JH4268392 Pioneer_P92M70 Pioneer_P93B09 ( Pioneer_P92M70 , Pioneer_P93B09 ) - -
JH4282852 Pioneer_P92M70 JH4268392 ( Pioneer_P92M70 , JH4268392 ( Pioneer_P92M70 , Pioneer_P93B09 ) ) - -
JH4603324 Pioneer_P92M70 JH4282852 ( Pioneer_P92M70 , JH4282852 ( Pioneer_P92M70 , JH4268392 ( Pioneer_P92M70 , Pioneer_P93B09 ) ) ) - -
JH6676568 Pioneer_P92B38 JX5789894 ( Pioneer_P92B38 , JX5789894 ) - -
JH7380284 Pioneer_P92B38 JH6676568 ( Pioneer_P92B38 , JH6676568 ( Pioneer_P92B38 , JX5789894 ) ) - -
JH8069431 Pioneer_P92B38 JH7380284 ( Pioneer_P92B38 , JH7380284 ( Pioneer_P92B38 , JH6676568 ( Pioneer_P92B38 , JX5789894 ) ) ) - -
JH8069435 Pioneer_P92B38 JH7380284 ( Pioneer_P92B38 , JH7380284 ( Pioneer_P92B38 , JH6676568 ( Pioneer_P92B38 , JX5789894 ) ) ) - -
JTN-033 S94-1956 MD94-5396 ( S94-1956 , MD94-5396 ( Ripley , Clifford ) ) - -
JTN-4119 5601T PI_437655 ( 5601T ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) , PI_437655 ) - new SCN resistance source
JTN-4207 LS93-0375 LS96-0735 ( LS93-0375 ( Asgrow_A3935 ( M0474C ( Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) , - ) , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) , Pioneer_P9402 ) , LS96-0735 ( Flyer , Asgrow_A4715 ) ) - -
JTN-4219 5601T PI_437655 ( 5601T ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) , PI_437655 ) - -
JTN-4307 S97-1688 V94-0198 ( S97-1688 ( S91-1381 ( Hartz_H5370 , Hartwig ) , Hartz_H5810 ) , V94-0198 ( DPL_415 ( Essex , DPX_436 ( Pickett_71 , York ) ) , Manokin ) ) PI 670017 GP-407, SCN, F4
JTN-4308 S96-2641 S97-1688-12-LOAM02 ( S96-2641 ( Pioneer_P9591 , S91-1839 ( Hartwig , Coker_485 ) ) , S97-1688-12-LOAM02 ) - SCN
JTN-4407 SS94-7546 HS93-4118 ( SS94-7546 ( Pioneer_P9341 , S86-4499 ( L77-443 ( Union , L75-8020 ( Corsoy , - ) ) , L77-906 ) ) , HS93-4118 ( IA2007 ( Pride_B152 , A80-244003 ( Northrup_King_S1492 ( Corsoy , Wayne ) , Pella ) ) , Dairyland_DSR304 ( Williams , - ) ) ) - -
JTN-4408 S97-1753 V94-0198-9-LOAM02 ( S97-1753 ( Hartz_H5545 , S91-1381 ( Hartz_H5370 , Hartwig ) ) , V94-0198-9-LOAM02 ) - SCN
JTN-4507 S97-1688 V94-0198-13-LOAM02 ( S97-1688 ( S91-1381 ( Hartz_H5370 , Hartwig ) , Hartz_H5810 ) , V94-0198-13-LOAM02 ) - SCN
JTN-4508 SS94-7546 LS96-0735 ( SS94-7546 ( Pioneer_P9341 , S86-4499 ( L77-443 ( Union , L75-8020 ( Corsoy , - ) ) , L77-906 ) ) , LS96-0735 ( Flyer , Asgrow_A4715 ) ) - SCN
JTN-4607 LS94-3207 S95-1908-3-LOAM02 ( LS94-3207 ( Pharaoh ( Forrest , V71-480 ( V63-76 ( Hill , D53-354 ( D49-2525 ( S-100 ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) , - ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) ( S-100 ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) , - ) ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) ( A.K. , - ) , - ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) , L46-5679 ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Richland ) ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Richland ) ) ) , V66-318 ( D53-184 ( D49-2525 ( S-100 ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) , - ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) , L46-5679 ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Richland ) ) , J22 ( L37-1355 ( PI_81041 , - ) , Arksoy_2913 ( Arksoy ( PI_35335 , - ) , - ) ) ) ) ) , Hartwig ) , S95-1908-3-LOAM02 ) - SCN
JTN-4619 5002T PI_494182 ( 5002T , PI_494182 ) - new SCN resistance source
JTN-5104 Fowler S95-1908 ( Fowler , S95-1908 ( S92-1495 ( AT550 , Hartwig ) , Northrup_King_S59-60 ) ) - -
JTN-5106 DPL_5960RR Anand-4-CYST02 ( DPL_5960RR , Anand-4-CYST02 ) - -
JTN-5107 S97-1753 S96-2641-2-LOAM02 ( S97-1753 ( Hartz_H5545 , S91-1381 ( Hartz_H5370 , Hartwig ) ) , S96-2641-2-LOAM02 ) - SCN
JTN-5108 S95-1908 BOLIVAR-2-LOAM02 ( S95-1908 ( S92-1495 ( AT550 , Hartwig ) , Northrup_King_S59-60 ) , BOLIVAR-2-LOAM02 ) - SCN
JTN-5110 J98-32 Anand ( J98-32 , Anand ) - SCN
JTN-5111 PI_437655 5601T ( PI_437655 , 5601T ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) ) - unique SCN
JTN-5203 R93-171 Anand ( R93-171 , Anand ) - SCN; >25 % exotic, F17, Conv., FLS
JTN-5204 Fowler S95-1908 ( Fowler , S95-1908 ( S92-1495 ( AT550 , Hartwig ) , Northrup_King_S59-60 ) ) - -
JTN-5207 J98-32 DT96-6840 ( J98-32 , DT96-6840 ( Hutcheson , Pioneer_P9641 ) ) - -
JTN-5208 S96-2641 S97-1688-8-LOAM02 ( S96-2641 ( Pioneer_P9591 , S91-1839 ( Hartwig , Coker_485 ) ) , S97-1688-8-LOAM02 ) - SCN
JTN-5209 PI_567516C 5601T ( PI_567516C , 5601T ( Hutcheson , TN89-39 ( TN81-2 ( Lee_74 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) , TN80-69 ( Essex , J74-40 ) ) ) ) - unique SCN
JTN-5211 PI_507471 Hutcheson ( PI_507471 , Hutcheson ) - SCN
JTN-5303 R93-171 Anand ( R93-171 , Anand ) PI 641937 -
JTN-5308 J98-32 DT95-17556 ( J98-32 , DT95-17556 ( Pioneer_P9592 , DPL_415 ( Essex , DPX_436 ( Pickett_71 , York ) ) ) ) - SCN
JTN-5503 Fowler Manokin ( Fowler , Manokin ) PI 641938 -
JTN_5303 Caviness Anand ( Caviness , Anand ) - -
JTN_5503 Fowler Manokin ( Fowler , Manokin ) PI 641938 -
JW-45 Mixed_seed_lot - ( Mixed_seed_lot , - ) - -
Jacques_88 Corsoy Hodgson ( Corsoy , Hodgson ) - -
Jacques_J102A Corsoy PI_88029 ( Corsoy , PI_88029 ) - -
Jake S94-1867 Anand ( S94-1867 ( Pioneer_P9592 , S91-1693 ) , Anand ) - -
Jewel Corsoy Wells ( Corsoy , Wells ) - -
Jupiter D49-2491 Bilomi_No._3 ( D49-2491 ( S-100 ( Illini ( A.K. , - ) , - ) , C.N.S. ( Clemson ( PI_71659 , - ) , - ) ) , Bilomi_No._3 ( PI_240664 , - ) ) - -