Soy Parentage and Pedigrees

The soybean parentage information below was partially gleaned from the Uniform Soybean Tests for the Southern and Northern regions as well as other sources such as USDA technical bulletins, variety registrations and PVP applications. The strains that appear here were part of the uniform trials and not the preliminary trials. The pedigree of individual strains was followed back to named strains in both maternal and paternal lineages where possible. An unknown parent is indicated with "-". When available, PVP registration numbers are noted, as are synonyms for the strains - including the PI number for lines deposited at GRIN. Check for additional information about PI lines at the GRIN search page.

Strain names are prefixed with a code that identifies the program that produced them. The code is usually the first two letters in the strain name followed by the year it was released as a two digit number. See code prefixes and descriptions here.

Pedigrees are represented in column 4. To give an example: CS31 has parents S10 (maternal) and Mitchell (paternal). The pedigree string ( S10 , Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) ) can be read as: CS31 is progeny of S10 and Mitchell; and Mitchell is progeny of Amsoy and Wayne.

The information below is also available for download - for example, if you wish to filter on pedigrees that contain an accession of interest.
We welcome submissions by the community of new or updated pedigree information. Please use this data submission spreadsheet.

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 0-9  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z 
Individual Female Parent Male Parent Pedigree Synonyms Notes
W1 Dunfield Illini ( Dunfield ( PI_36846 , - ) , Illini ( A.K. , - ) ) - -
W10186 Salut_216 Amurskaja_41 ( Salut_216 , Amurskaja_41 ( - , PI_524993 ) ) - -
W10381-022 Pioneer_P9091 Asgrow_A2234 ( Pioneer_P9091 , Asgrow_A2234 ) - -
W214164 M060249 Syngenta_S20-26 ( M060249 , Syngenta_S20-26 ) - -
W2707-23 Y2011Z2 Epps ( Y2011Z2 ( 1190-02 ( Mack , Forrest ) , J74-45 ) , Epps ) - -
W30047R012 Pioneer_P9161 Pioneer_P9111 ( Pioneer_P9161 , Pioneer_P9111 ) - -
W30271R014 Pioneer_P9241 Resnik ( Pioneer_P9241 ( 0624-32 , Pioneer_P2981 ) , Resnik ) - -
W44-61O Richland Kabott ( Richland , Kabott ) - -
W44-623 Richland Kabott ( Richland , Kabott ) - -
W44-631 Richland Kabott ( Richland , Kabott ) - -
W45-2175 Mandarin L36-12 ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) ( PI_36653 , - ) , L36-12 ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) ) - -
W45-2260 Ontario Richland ( Ontario , Richland ) - -
W45-2307 Lincoln Richland ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Richland ) - -
W45-3638 Lincoln Richland ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Richland ) - -
W45S-4142 Kabbot Goldsoy ( Kabbot , Goldsoy ) - -
W45S-4143 Mukden Pagoda ( Mukden ( PI_50523 , - ) , Pagoda ( Manitoba_Brown , Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) ) ) - -
W46S-246 Lincoln Pagoda ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Pagoda ( Manitoba_Brown , Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) ) ) - -
W46S-326 Lincoln Pagoda ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Pagoda ( Manitoba_Brown , Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) ) ) - -
W46S-338 Lincoln Pagoda ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Pagoda ( Manitoba_Brown , Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) ) ) - -
W46S-339 Cayuga Kabbot ( Cayuga ( PI_65393 , - ) , Kabbot ) - -
W46S-341 Cayuga Kabbot ( Cayuga ( PI_65393 , - ) , Kabbot ) - -
W48-1028 Lincoln Manchu_606 ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Manchu_606 ) - -
W4850-011 J81-116 Y186402 ( J81-116 , Y186402 ( 1190-19 ( Mack , Forrest ) , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) - -
W48S-1019 Kabbot Chief ( Kabbot , Chief ) - -
W48S-1025 Lincoln Pagoda ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Pagoda ( Manitoba_Brown , Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) ) ) - -
W48S-1035 Lincoln Pagoda ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Pagoda ( Manitoba_Brown , Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) ) ) - -
W48S-1200 Richland Flambeau ( Richland , Flambeau ) - -
W49-1982 A43-108 Manchu_3 ( A43-108 , Manchu_3 ( Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) , - ) ) - -
W49-1982-32 A43-108 Manchu_3 ( A43-108 , Manchu_3 ( Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) , - ) ) - -
W49S-2703 Lincoln Flambeau ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Flambeau ) - -
W50S-3138 Hawkeye Flambeau ( Hawkeye , Flambeau ) - -
W50S-3147 Mukden Flambeau ( Mukden ( PI_50523 , - ) , Flambeau ) - -
W50S-3180 Mukden Flambeau ( Mukden ( PI_50523 , - ) , Flambeau ) - -
W50S-3257 Mukden Flambeau ( Mukden ( PI_50523 , - ) , Flambeau ) - -
W50S-3334 Lincoln Flambeau ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Flambeau ) - -
W50S-3386 Lincoln Flambeau ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Flambeau ) - -
W53-1069 Lincoln Capital ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Capital ) - -
W57-2334 Seneca Chippewa ( Seneca ( FC_03654 , - ) , Chippewa ) - -
W61S-191 Norchief Clark ( Norchief , Clark ) - -
W61S-294 Norchief Harosoy ( Norchief , Harosoy ) - -
W63-1010-3 Seneca Chippewa ( Seneca ( FC_03654 , - ) , Chippewa ) - -
W63-4445 Chippewa Seneca ( Chippewa , Seneca ( FC_03654 , - ) ) - -
W63-4731 Seneca Norchief ( Seneca ( FC_03654 , - ) , Norchief ) - -
W63S-177 W50S-3386 Clark ( W50S-3386 ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Flambeau ) , Clark ) - -
W63S-179 W50S-3386 Clark ( W50S-3386 ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Flambeau ) , Clark ) - -
W63S-184 W50S-3386 Clark ( W50S-3386 ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Flambeau ) , Clark ) - -
W63S-236 W50S-3386 Clark ( W50S-3386 ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Flambeau ) , Clark ) - -
W64-3351 W49-1982-32 Chippewa ( W49-1982-32 ( A43-108 , Manchu_3 ( Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) , - ) ) , Chippewa ) - -
W64-3656 C1128 Hardome ( C1128 ( Wabash , Hawkeye ) , Hardome ) - -
W6471M010 6347 6363 ( 6347 ( Cartter , Asgrow_A3307 ) , 6363 ( Cartter , Pioneer_P9272 ) ) - -
W64S-190 Hardome Chippewa ( Hardome , Chippewa ) - -
W64S-209 Seneca W50S-3386 ( Seneca ( FC_03654 , - ) , W50S-3386 ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Flambeau ) ) - -
W66-3445 C1128 M319 ( C1128 ( Wabash , Hawkeye ) , M319 ( Lincoln ( Mandarin ( PI_36653 , - ) , Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) ) , Hawkeye ) ) - -
W66-4108 Merit W49-1982-32 ( Merit , W49-1982-32 ( A43-108 , Manchu_3 ( Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) , - ) ) ) - -
W67-186 W57-2334 Chippewa_64 ( W57-2334 ( Seneca ( FC_03654 , - ) , Chippewa ) , Chippewa_64 ) - -
W68-37 W57-2334 Chippewa_64 ( W57-2334 ( Seneca ( FC_03654 , - ) , Chippewa ) , Chippewa_64 ) - -
W8238-02 Pioneer_P9591 Y277402 ( Pioneer_P9591 , Y277402 ( 1100-07 ( Forrest , Tracy ) , 1190-19 ( Mack , Forrest ) ) ) - -
W8248-02 Pioneer_P9592 H5164 ( Pioneer_P9592 , H5164 ) - -
W8520-044 Pioneer_P9592 Asgrow_A5979 ( Pioneer_P9592 , Asgrow_A5979 ) - -
W8692-462 Asgrow_A5979 Hutcheson ( Asgrow_A5979 , Hutcheson ) - -
W87-11 Hodgson_78 Wells_II ( Hodgson_78 , Wells_II ) - -
W87-15 Hodgson_78 Wells_II ( Hodgson_78 , Wells_II ) - -
WN0800099 DST2343 XB23Y02 ( DST2343 , XB23Y02 ( Pioneer_P92B52 , Pioneer_P93B82 ) ) - -
WN0800104 DS99055NSTS WW115926 ( DS99055NSTS ( X029 ( Pioneer_P9362 , Syngenta_S29-11 ) , Syngenta_S25-J5 ( Exp_13404 , Pioneer_P9273 ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) ) , WW115926 ) - -
WN0800506 Dairyland_DSR3100 WW115926 ( Dairyland_DSR3100 , WW115926 ) - -
WN0800545 WW236435 Syngenta_S32-Z3 ( WW236435 ( Syngenta_S32-Z3 ( Exp_13404 , Pioneer_P9273 ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) ( Exp_13404 , Pioneer_P9273 ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) , Pioneer_P92B63 ) , Syngenta_S32-Z3 ( Exp_13404 , Pioneer_P9273 ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) ( Exp_13404 , Pioneer_P9273 ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) ) - -
WW115335 Pioneer_P93B45 Syngenta_S25-J5 ( Pioneer_P93B45 , Syngenta_S25-J5 ( Exp_13404 , Pioneer_P9273 ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) ) - -
WW221162 Syngenta_S32-Z3 X022 ( Syngenta_S32-Z3 ( Exp_13404 , Pioneer_P9273 ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) , X022 ( Pioneer_P91608 , Pioneer_P9273 ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) ) - -
WW221162BC2 WW221162 WW221162BC1 ( WW221162 ( Syngenta_S32-Z3 ( Exp_13404 , Pioneer_P9273 ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) , X022 ( Pioneer_P91608 , Pioneer_P9273 ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) ) , WW221162BC1 ) - -
WW236435 Syngenta_S32-Z3 Pioneer_P92B63 ( Syngenta_S32-Z3 ( Exp_13404 , Pioneer_P9273 ( Pioneer_P2981 , Asgrow_A3127 ( Williams , Essex ) ) ) , Pioneer_P92B63 ) - -
WW703873 Asgrow_A2540 Pioneer_P9362 ( Asgrow_A2540 , Pioneer_P9362 ) - -
WW710273 MO02052 Asgrow_A2506 ( MO02052 , Asgrow_A2506 ) - -
WW815289 13404BB2 Asgrow_A2722 ( 13404BB2 , Asgrow_A2722 ) - -
Wamloxi Mammoth_Yellow Biloxi ( Mammoth_Yellow , Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) ) - -
Wamotan_6640 Mammoth_Yellow Otootan ( Mammoth_Yellow , Otootan ( PI_548479 , - ) ) - -
Washington Mitchell Cutler_71 ( Mitchell ( Amsoy , Wayne ) , Cutler_71 ) - -
Westag_97 RCAT_8703 S26-06 ( RCAT_8703 ( FH_22-815 ( Harosoy_63 , Fiskeby_V ) , Hodgson ) , S26-06 ) - -
White_Biloxi Biloxi - ( Biloxi ( PI_23211 , - ) , - ) Txze Pi Tou, PI 548495 Selected from Biloxi from natural hybrid
Wilstar_790 Bragg Ransom ( Bragg , Ransom ) PI 556571 Helena Chemical Company, PVP 7900058
Wis._Manchu_3_sel. Manchu_3 - ( Manchu_3 ( Manchu ( PI_30593 , - ) , - ) , - ) - Selection from Manchu 3
Wonetta PI_71608 - ( PI_71608 , - ) - Nanking, Cn 1927
Woods_Yellow Mammoth_Yellow - ( Mammoth_Yellow , - ) PI 548496 Selection from Mammoth Yellow
Woods_Yellow_#1 Woods_Yellow - ( Woods_Yellow ( Mammoth_Yellow , - ) , - ) - Farmer selection from Wood's Yellow