
GO enrichment analysis uses statistical tests to determine if a set of provided genes are statistically different than a comparison set (typically, the set of all genes in the organism), for to each of the three main gene ontology "aspects": Molecular Function, Cellular Component, and Biological Process.

SoyBase offers two methods for calculating GO enrichment: the service at this page; and the gene-list report at GlycineMine.

See this blog post for details about doing GO enrichment analysis at GlycineMine. One advantage of using the GlycineMine tool is that enrichment can be calculated for genes from ANY Glycine accession and annotation in the system, rather than for Wm82.a4.v1 that is offered on the service on this page. GlycineMine also reports several other analyses, including enrichments for gene families, pathways, and chromosomal location.

GO term enrichment analysis using Wm82.a4.v1 gene model names.

The underlying algorithms for this tool come from Morales et al. (2013)

Either enter a list of gene model names into this box, one name per line:

Insert Gene List:
(One per line)

Or upload a text file containing one gene model name per line:

Upload a text file
  1. Choose analysis type: