1502 Accession Genotyping


Genetic variant data derived from whole genome resequencing data of 1,502 diverse accessions from G. max and G. soja.
BioProject: none
SoyBaseID: SoyBase.C2021.04


Citation: Hengyou Zhang, He Jiang, Zhenbin Hu, Qijian Song, Yong-qiang Charles An. A versatile resource of 1500 diverse wild and cultivated soybean genomes for post-genomics research. bioRxiv 2020.11.16.383950
Publication link: 10.1101/2020.11.16.383950
Abstract: (click to read)
Genetic variant data derived from whole genome resequencing data of 1,502 diverse accessions from G. max and G. soja. The datasets were generated as part of a project funded by the United Soybean Board, USDA-ARS and Bayer Company. Data sets include a full set of 32 million SNPs, and subsets filtered at minor allele frequencies of 1% and 5%. The pre-released datasets have not been fully peer-reviewed. Please contact Dr. Yong-Qiang An if you have questions or identify problems (Yong-qiang.an@ars.usda.gov).

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