
SoyBase Soybean Growth Stages Conversion Page

The Soybase Soybean Whole Plant Growth stage ontology (SOY growth) was developed to unite the familar soybean growth and development stages (V and R stages) with the more generic Plant Ontology Whole Plant Growth stages (PO) and the BBCH scale. This is intended to facilitate the translation of observations using these disparate ontologies and allow researchers to more easily collate the relevent literature based on shared developmental points.

Conversions Between SOY growth, PO Whole Plant Growth Stages and BBCH Scale
Growth Stage Growth Stage Title SOY Accession Number SOY Title BBCH Scale ID Number PO Accession Number PO Accession Title
VE Emergence SOY:0000014 1.00 Cotyledon visible PO:0007049, BBCH 10 100 10 100 PO:0007049 Cotyledons emergence
VC Unifoliolate SOY:0000015 1.01 Unifoliolate leaves unfolded PO:0007094 BBCH 11 101 11 101 PO:0007094 LP.01 one leaf visible
V1 1st Trifoliolate SOY:0000016 1.02 1st Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007098 BBCH 12 102 12 102 PO:0007098 LP02 two leaves visible
V2 2nd Trifoliolate SOY:0000017 1.03 2nd Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007106 BBCH 13 103 13 103 PO:0007106 LP.03 three leaves visible
V3 3rd Trifoliolate SOY:0000018 1.04 3rd Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007115 BBCH 14 104 14 104 PO:0007115 LP.04 four leaves visible
V4 4th Trifoliolate SOY:0000019 1.05 4th Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007065 BBCH 15 105 15 105 PO:0007065 LP.05 five leaves visible
V5 5th Trifoliolate SOY:0000020 1.06 5th Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007123 BBCH 16 106 16 106 PO:0007123 LP.06 six leaves visible
V6 6th Trifoliolate SOY:0000021 1.07 6th Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007063 BBCH 17 107 17 107 PO:0007063 LP.07 seven leaves visible
V7 7th Trifoliolate SOY:0000022 1.08 7th Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007095 BBCH 18 108 18 108 PO:0007095 LP.08 eight leaves visible
V8 8th Trifoliolate SOY:0000023 1.09 8th Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007101 BBCH 19 109 19 109 PO:0007101 LP.09 nine leaves visible
V9 9th Trifoliolate SOY:0000024 1.10 9th Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007103 BBCH 19 110 19 110 PO:0007103 LP.10 ten leaves visible
V10 10th Trifoliolate SOY:0000025 1.11 10th Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007116 BBCH 19 111 19 111 PO:0007116 LP.11 eleven leaves visible
V11 11th Trifoliolate SOY:0000026 1.12 11th Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007064 BBCH 19 112 19 112 PO:0007064 LP.12 twelve leaves visible
V12 12th Trifoliolate SOY:0000027 1.13 12th Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007083 BBCH 19 113 19 113 PO:0007083 LP.13 thirteen leaves visible
V13 13th Trifoliolate SOY:0000028 1.14 13th Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007085 BBCH 19 114 19 114 PO:0007085 LP.14 fourteen leaves visible
V14 14th Trifoliolate SOY:0000029 1.15 14th Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007104 BBCH 19 115 19 115 PO:0007104 LP.15 fifteen leaves visible
V15 15th Trifoliolate SOY:0000030 1.16 15th Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007119 BBCH 19 116 19 116 PO:0007119 16 leaves unfolded
V16 16th Trifoliolate SOY:0000031 1.17 16th Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007067 BBCH 19 117 19 117 PO:0007067 17 leaves unfolded
V17 17th Trifoliolate SOY:0000032 1.18 17th Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007072 BBCH 19 118 19 118 PO:0007072 18 leaves unfolded
V18 18th Trifoliolate SOY:0000033 1.19 18th Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007120 BBCH 19 119 19 119 PO:0007120 19 leaves unfolded
V19 19th Trifoliolate SOY:0000034 1.20 19th Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007082 None PO:0007082 20 or more leaves unfolded
V20 20th Trifoliolate SOY:0000035 1.21 20th Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007082 None PO:0007082 20 or more leaves unfolded
V21 21st Trifoliolate SOY:0000036 1.22 21st Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007082 None PO:0007082 20 or more leaves unfolded
V22 22nd Trifoliolate SOY:0000037 1.23 22nd Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007082 None PO:0007082 20 or more leaves unfolded
V23 23rd Trifoliolate SOY:0000038 1.24 23rd Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007082 None PO:0007082 20 or more leaves unfolded
V24 24th Trifoliolate SOY:0000096 1.25 24th Trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007082 None PO:0007082 20 or more leaves unfolded
V25 25th Trifoliolate SOY:0000025 1.26 25 or more trifoliolate leaf unfolded PO:0007082 None PO:0007082 20 or more leaves unfolded
R1 Beginning Bloom SOY:0000072 6.00 1st flowers on main stem open PO:0007026 BBCH 60 600 60 600 PO:0007026 First flower(s) open
R2 Full Bloom SOY:0000075 6.08 Full flowering approx. equiv. PO:0007062 None PO:0007052 FL.03 3/4 of flowers open
R3 Beginning Pod SOY:0000079 Pod 10% of final length PO:0007032, approx. equiv. R3, BBCH 71 701 71 701 PO:0007032 Fruit size 10%
R4 Full Pod SOY:0000084 7.03 Pod 50% of final length PO:0007029, approx. equiv. R4, BBCH 75 705 75 705 PO:0007029 FF.02 fruit size 50%
R5 Beginning Seed SOY:0000085 8.01 Beginning bean ripening PO:0007001 approx. equiv. R5 None PO:0007001 FR.01 early stage of fruit ripening
R6 Full Seed SOY:0000087 8.05 Mid ripening approx. equiv. PO:0007031, R6 None PO:0007031 Mid stage of fruit ripening
R7 Beginning Maturity SOY:0000088 8.07 Late ripening approx. equiv. PO:0007050, R7, BBCH 79 709 79 709 PO:0007050 Late stage of fruit ripening
R8 Full maturity SOY:0000089 8.09 Final ripening approx. equiv. PO:0007038, R8, BBCH 89 909 89 909 PO:0007038 FR.04 Fruit ripening complete